Standard input and output files

Besides optional other parameter files that are used within the C++ stand-alone version or the Python version, FastChem requires two special input files, one for the element abundances and a second describing the mass action law constant parametrisations. Both are described in the following.

Element abundance file

This file should contain the element abundances for all chemical elements that are used in FastChem. The location of this file is usually supplied either within a separate parameter file or directly in the constructor of the FastChem object class.

A note on element abundances

It is important to note that there are two different ways to define an element abundance. Both variants, denoted by \(x_j\) and \(\epsilon_j\), are related via:

\[\epsilon_j = 10^{x_j - 12}\]


\[x_j = \log\left(\epsilon_j\right) + 12 \ .\]

In the \(x_i\) version, widely used in the astronomical literature, hydrogen has a value of 12 for solar element abundances, such that its \(\epsilon_i\) is unity.

In its input file, FastChem uses the \(x_j\) notation, also employed in the usual standard abundance compilations (e.g. Asplund et al. 2009). For example, in the \(x_j\) notation, the solar element abundance for oxygen is \(x_\mathrm{O}\) = 8.69, whereas its value for \(\epsilon_\mathrm{O}\) would be \(0.00048978\).
Internally, FastChem converts the \(x_j\) from the input file to the computationally more appropriate \(\epsilon_j\). This also refers to all methods of the FastChem object class that are used to interact with the element abundances: these will always refer to \(\epsilon_j\).

Thus, if one wants to change the oxygen element abundance in the input file (which refers to \(x_j\)) to ten times its solar value, one would need to use a value of \(x_\mathrm{O}\) = 1 + 8.69 = 9.69. If one, on the other hand, uses one of the internal FastChem methods to change element abundances on the fly, one would need to set it to a value of \(\epsilon_\mathrm{O} = 10 \cdot 0.00048978 = 0.0048978\).

File structure

The element abundance file should have the following structure to be readable by FastChem:

#Solar element abundances based on Asplund et al. (2009)
e-  0.00
Al  6.45
Ar  6.40
C   8.43
Ca  6.34
Cl  5.50
Co  4.99
Cr  5.64
Cu  4.19
F   4.56
Fe  7.50
Ge  3.65
H   12.00
He  10.93
K   5.03
Mg  7.60
Mn  5.43
N   7.83
Na  6.24
Ne  7.93
Ni  6.22
O   8.69
P   5.41
S   7.12
Si  7.51
Ti  4.95
V   3.93
Zn  4.56

The first line is always a header line that provides important information for the user and is ignored by FastChem. All subsequent lines contain each the symbol for an element and its element abundance. Molecules that contain elements not present in this file are ignored. The element abundance for the electron has an arbitrary value. It is only present in the file to inform FastChem that the electrons (and thus ions) should be included in the chemistry calculations. Its element abundance \(\epsilon_e\) will internally be set to 0 because its number density is determined by charge balance. The elements are not required to be in any particular order.

Standard files

Together with FastChem, we provide several different element abundance files, located in the input/element_abundances/ folder. The folder includes three different sets of element abundances: Asplund et al. (2009), Asplund et al. (2021), and Lodders (2003) .

The standard files provide the solar element abundances for species that are at least as abundant as germanium. As alternative versions, we also include additional files *_extended.dat for each compilation, that includes more elements, up to uranium. These files can be used for the extended set of ion species described in the next section.

Species data files

Another important input is the thermochemical data for all gas phase species (molecules and ions) as well as condensates. This includes in particular their stoichiometric information as well as a parametrisation for their mass action constants. As described in the first FastChem publication Stock et al. (2018), we use the natural logarithm of the dimensionless mass action constant of species \(i\)
\[\ln\bar{K}_i(T) = - \frac{\Delta_\mathrm{r} G_i(T)}{R\,T} \ , \label{eq:lnK}\]
where \(G_i(T)\) is the Gibbs free energy of dissociation. For FastChem, these mass action constants are fitted with the expression
\[\ln\bar{K}_i(T) = \frac{a_0}{T} + a_1\,\ln T + b_0 + b_1\,T + b_2\,T^2 \ , \label{eq:fit}\]
where \(a_0\), \(a_1\), \(b_0\), \(b_1\), and \(b_2\) are the fit coefficients.
It is in principle possible to use your own parametrisation. For that, you need to edit the source code that performs the calculation of the mass action constants. For the gas phase species, the corresponding code can be found in the source file gas_phase/molecule_struct.cpp, while the one for condensates is located in condensed_phase/condensate_struct.cpp.

File structure for gas phase species

For FastChem, the species information file should have the following structure:

#logK = a1/T + a2 ln T + a3 + a4 T + a5 T^2 for FastChem:
#includes elements with eps >= eps_Ge
#fit coefficients calculated from indicated data source.
Al1Cl1 Aluminum_Chloride : Al 1 Cl 1 # JANAF tables
   6.01726e+04  -9.82181e-01  -5.80778e+00   1.65774e-04  -6.11197e-09

Al1Cl1F1 Aluminum_Chloride_Fluoride : Al 1 Cl 1 F 1 # JANAF tables
   1.22295e+05  -1.60844e+00  -1.43675e+01   3.72486e-04  -1.98493e-08

Al1Cl1F2 Aluminum_Chloride_Fluoride : Al 1 Cl 1 F 2 # JANAF tables
   1.93126e+05  -1.90100e+00  -3.00531e+01   6.68640e-04  -3.72957e-08
The first three lines of the file are treated as header lines and discarded when reading in the file.
The data for each species consists of two lines, while different species are separated by a blank line. The first line starts with the species’ sum formula. In the standard FastChem files, we use the modified Hill notation for the formulas. Isomeric species would in principle have the same formula in the Hill notation. For example, the two species HCN and HNC would both be referred to as C1H1N1. To distinguish the two in the standard set of FastChem, underscores are used, such that C1H1N1_1 refers to HCN, while C1H1N1_2 represents HNC. The use of the Hill notation is not a requirement. In a custom version of the species file, a different chemical notation could be used.
The sum formula is followed by an optional name for the species, for example Aluminum Chloride. The name is read until the seperator : is encountered. Note that there has to be a white space between the last part of the species’ name and the :.
After the seperator :, FastChem expects the stoichiometric information of the species, i.e. the elements and their stoichiometric coefficients. The elements need to be present in the element abundance file as well, otherwise the species will be discarded. They don’t need to be in any specific order.
The stoichiometric information is followed by an optional reference for the data. If a reference is used, a separator # is required between the stoichiometry and the reference.
The second line contains the fit coefficients for the mass action constants. FastChem will read in as many coefficients as it can find in that line but for its own parametrisation it will only use the first five.

File structure for condensate species

For FastChem, the species information file should have the following structure:

#logK = a1/T + a2 ln T + a3 + a4 T + a5 T^2 for FastChem:
#includes elements with eps >= eps_Ge
#fit coefficients calculated from indicated data source.
Al2O3(s,l) Aluminum Oxide, Corundum : Al 2 O 3 # JANAF tables
   2327.0 4000.0
   3.68482e+05 -1.04194e+01 -2.79243e+01 1.17904e-02 -1.58786e-06
   3.71349e+05 5.273685e+00 -1.35345e+02 1.68173e-03 -8.80259e-08

Al2SiO5(s) Aluminum Silicate, Kyanite : Al 2 O 5 Si 1 # JANAF tables
   5.91829e+05 -1.46795e+01 -5.53926e+01 1.428257e-02 -1.5322e-06

CO(l) Carbon Monoxide : C 1 O 1 # Goodwin, R. D., 1985.
  1.298145e+05 2.919440e+00 -3.27363e+01 -1.57201e-02 -5.51055e-05
The first three lines of the file are again header lines and discarded when reading in the file.
For condensates, the data set for each species consists of at least five lines. The first one is identical to the one for gas phase species described above. One difference with respect to the species’ formulas compared to those for molecules and ions is that we don’t use the Hill notation here. To be consistent with general mineralogy, we rather use the normal sum formulas here, together with the phase state.

The second line contains the phase state information. FastChem currently recognises three different states: s (solid), l (liquid), and sl (solid and liquid).

Condensates can have multiple data fits attached to them. Phase changes can result in non-monotonic slopes within the Gibb’s free energy of formation. To allow for a better fit to the resulting mass action coefficients, it is therefore usually beneficial to fit each phase separately. Additionally, thermochemical data for condensates is often only tabulated over a restricted temperature range, which makes extrapolation to higher temperatures problematic.

The third line, thus, lists the temperature limits of the different fitted data sets in the order they appear below. For solids, the limit is usually the melting point, whereas for liquids this can typically be the critical point or the last tabulated data point.

FastChem will use these temperature limits of the phase states when it calculates the activities of the condensates. By default, FastChem will also not extrapolate the date fits beyond the last listed temperature. The user can override this behaviour by setting a special FastChem parameter. More information on this can be found here.

The following lines finally contain the fit coefficients for the different data fits. Their format is identical to the corresponding one for the gas phase species discussed above. The number of data fits has to be equal to the number of temperature limits discussed above.

Standard files

Together with FastChem, we provide two different files for gas phase species, located in the input/logK/ folder. The file logK.dat provides the standard set, discussed in Stock et al. (2018) and Stock, Kitzmann & Patzer (2022). This includes species for all elements at least as abundant as germanium.

As an alternative version, we also provide an additional file logK_extended.dat that includes more ions for elements up to uranium. The data for this file is discussed in Hoeijmakers et al. (2019).

For condensate species we provide the file logK_condensates.dat in the input/logK/ folder that contains all species discussed in Kitzmann, Stock & Patzer (2023). We note that these condensates should only be used in combination with the standard logK.dat file for the gas phase since it lacks condensate species for the additional elements contained in the species listed in logK_extended.dat.

Basic element data file (optional)

In addition to the element abundances, FastChem also needs to have additional basic data for the elements, such as their atomic weight to calculate the molecular weights of molecules, for example. For most elements up to uranium, this data is hard-coded in a standard set located in the header file chemical_element_data.h. If you want to change this standard set by removing or adding elements or add isotopes, you can change it directly in the header file and re-compile FastChem.
Alternatively, FastChem also has the option to read an external file with the required information.

File structure

The optional file has the following, simple structure, starting with a header line that is ignored when reading in the file:

#Basic element data based on Meija et al. (2016)
e-   Electron        5.4857990907e-4
H    Hydrogen        1.008
He   Helium          4.002602
Li   Lithium         6.94
Be   Beryllium       9.0121831
B    Boron           10.81
C    Carbon          12.011
N    Nitrogen        14.007
O    Oxygen          15.999
F    Fluorine        18.998403163
Ne   Neon            20.1797
Na   Sodium          22.98976928
Mg   Magnesium       24.305
Al   Aluminium       26.9815385
Si   Silicon         28.085
P    Phosphorus      30.973761998
S    Sulfur          32.06
Cl   Chlorine        35.45
Ar   Argon           39.948
K    Potassium       39.0983
Ca   Calcium         40.078
Sc   Scandium        44.955908
Ti   Titanium        47.867
Mn   Manganese       54.938044
Fe   Iron            55.845
Co   Cobalt          58.933194
Ni   Nickel          58.6934
Cu   Copper          63.546
Zn   Zinc            65.38
Ga   Gallium         69.723
Ge   Germanium       72.630
As   Arsenic         74.921595
Se   Selenium        78.971
Br   Bromine         79.904

It contains three columns, where the first one lists the elements’ symbols, the second their names, and the third their atomic weights. An example of this file can be found in the folder fastchem_src/chem_input/.

FastChem parameter file (optional)

FastChem is able to load a specific parameter file when one of its instances is created through the object class constructor. This parameter file includes the most important parameters and options used within FastChem. All of these quantities can also be changed during runtime by using the appropriate methods listed here for the C++ object class and here for the Python module. Using the parameter file in principle allows changing these options and parameters outside of the code and, therefore, does not require the code to be recompiled.

The input/ folder of the FastChem repository contains two example files: parameters.dat and parameters_py.dat. The former is to be used for the C++ version, while the latter is intended for the Python version. The only difference between the two files are the relative locations of the other input files since the Python scripts are called from within a separate folder.

File structure

The optional parameter file has the following structure:

#element abundance file

#species data files
input/logK/logK.dat input/logK/logK_condensates.dat

#accuracy of chemistry iteration

#accuracy of element conservation

#max number of chemistry iterations

#max number internal solver iterations

#element data file (optional)

The first two entries are the locations of the element abundance and gas phase & condensate species data files. The condensate species data file is optional and can be left out or also replaced by none. In that case, FastChem won’t be able to perform calculations including condensation, though.

The next parameter determines the convergence criterion of the chemistry iteration. This value is also used for the internal Newton’s method and the condensation calculation iteration. The latter ones can be adjusted within in the code by the methods listed here C++ version and here for Python. This is followed by the (relative) accuracy of the element conservation checks.

The maximum number of chemistry iterations is listed next. The value here is also used for the maximum number of condensation iterations and for the number of coupled gas and condensed phase iterations.

The next parameter sets the maximum numbers of iterations for the different internal numerical methods employed within FastChem. This includes the Newton, Nelder-Mead, and bisection methods. Using the corresponding functions of the FastChem object class, this number can be adjusted for each of these numerical methods individually. The last parameter is optional and does not need to be present in the file. It contains the path to the file for an alternative basic element data file. If this parameter is not present, FastChem will use the standard set that is directly located in the FastChem source code (see previous section).

Output files

The C++ stand-alone version will produce two output files: a detailed chemistry output and a monitor file with diagnostic information. The file names of both files can be chosen in the config file discussed in the previous section.

Gas phase chemistry output

The chemistry output is organised in columns. The first line of the file is a header that describes the content of each column.

The first and second column contain the pressure in bar and the temperature in K, respectively. The third column lists the total number density of all atoms \(j\), i.e. \(n_\mathrm{tot} = \sum_j \left( n_j + \sum_i \nu_{ij} n_i + \sum_c \nu_{cj} n_c \right)\), summed over their atomic number densities, as well as the ones contained in all other molecules/ions \(j\) and the fictitious number densities of the condensate species \(n_c\). This is usually only a diagnostic quantity and rarely used in other applications.

The fourth column is the number density of the gas in units of cm\(^{-3}\), derived from the ideal gas law. This is followed by a column of mean molecular weights of the mixture of species in units of the unified atomic mass unit. For all practical purposes, this can also be converted into units of g/mol.

All subsequent columns contain the number densities (in cm\(^{-3}\)) or the mixing ratios of all species, depending on the choice of output made in the config file. By default, elements will be placed in the beginning, followed by molecules and ions. Note that in its species data files, FastChem employs the modified Hill notation as used in the JANAF thermochemical tables (Chase, 1986) for the formulas of all non-element species. If, for example, you are looking for the abundance of carbon dioxide, you need to locate the C1O2 column rather than CO2, whereas NH3 would be listed as H3N1.

Condensate species output

The output for the condensate species has a similar structure than the one for the gas phase discussed above. The first two columns again refer to the pressures and temperatures. The subsequent columns for the various elements contain the corresponding degrees of condensation.

The remaining columns for the condensate species are the fictitious number densities in units of cm\(^{-3}\). As discussed in Kitzmann, Stock & Patzer (2023), for a given temperature and pressure the total number of stable condensates that can be present is limited by the number of elements. Thus, most condensates will usually have a fictitious number density of 0 cm\(^{-3}\), which indicates that they are not present.

Monitor file

The monitor output file is a very important diagnostic output that provides crucial details on the outcome of the chemistry calculations. You should further investigate any chemistry calculations that shows problems in this file. It is, therefore, advisable to check this file after each calculation to verify that everything went fine. The first line of the file is a header that describes the content of each column.

The monitor output is organised in columns, where the first column contains a simple integer that refers to index of the input temperature-pressure structure. The second column lists the number of coupled gas-phase chemistry and condensed phase iterations that were required to solve the system. If the number is zero, then no condensates were stable and only a pure gas-phase chemistry calculation was required.

The third columns contains the total number of gas-phase chemistry iterations, while the fourth column lists the total number of iterations for the condensed phase.

The next columns contain information on the convergence of the chemistry and on the status of overall element conservation. If the chemistry did converge properly ok will be listed as output, whereas fail is used when the chemistry failed to converge in the maximum allowed number of steps. The same keywords are used for the element conservation status: ok if all elements were conserved, fail if any element was not conserved.

The next four columns contain basic chemistry output, that is also found in the chemistry output file: the pressure, temperature, total element density, gas number density, and mean molecular weight.

All remaining columns list the status of the element conservation for each element separately. The same keywords as for the overall element conservation status are used again in these columns. For the electrons, this status refers to the charge balance rather than element conservation.

Benchmark input and output files

The input folder contains a selected sample of atmospheric structures of various objects, from AGB stars to exoplanets. The pre-computed chemistry output of these benchmark structures can be found in the folder output_benchmarks. This chemistry output has been generated with the standard FastChem options and the standard solar element abundance and equilibrium constants files. These benchmarks can be used to validate that the FastChem installation works correctly.