Detailed C++ object class description

FastChem has been written in an object oriented way, split across several different object classes. The entire source code of FastChem is contained in the folder fastchem_src/. For including FastChem in another C++ project, only adding the main fastchem header file fastchem.h is required. All FastChem code is encapsulated in its own namespace called fastchem to avoid clashing with other libraries.

Some comments on coding conventions

The entire FastChem code has been programmed using specific conventions that make it easy to recognise and differentiate class, method and variable names.

Class and structure names are always capitalised, for example

class FastChem{... or struct Molecule{...

If the name is a compound noun, each noun is capitalised separately, e.g. struct ChemicalElementData{... No separators like _ are used for class or structure names.
Class methods and functions in general always start with a lowercase letter. If the name is a compound noun, the start of every other noun is capitalised and no separator is used, for example: FastChem.setElementAbundances(...) or Molecule.calcMassActionConstant(...)

Variable names are always written in lowercase and compound nouns are separated by a _. For example: FastChem.element_calculation_order or Element.molecule_list The only exceptions are global constants. They contain only capitalised letters, e.g.: constexpr unsigned int FASTCHEM_UNKNOWN_SPECIES or constexpr double CONST_AMU

FastChem object class

The entire FastChem model is encapsulated in an object class called FastChem that is defined in the header file fastchem.h. The object class is programmed as a template that can be used in either double or long double precision. When creating an object of this class by calling a corresponding constructor, one therefore has to specify which of the two versions should be used:

FastChem<long double> fastchem("model_parameter_file.dat", 1);
FastChem<double> fastchem("model_parameter_file.dat", 1);

The long double version has a slightly higher computational overhead and larger memory requirements than the double one. On the other hand, it offers a higher numerical precision which is especially important when dealing with chemical systems where the mass action constants and number densities can vary by many orders of magnitudes. We strongly suggest to always use the long double version despite the additional computational overhead. In fact, in our experience the increased numerical precision of long double can effectively lead to a smaller number of iterations.

FastChem constants

The FastChem namespace fastchem contains a number of constants that are all defined in the file fastchem_constants.h. This includes the constant
constexpr unsigned int fastchem::FASTCHEM_UNKNOWN_SPECIES

that is returned by some FastChem methods when a chemical species is not found. The chemistry calculation will return several output flags that are also defined in this file. This includes the following constants:

constexpr unsigned int fastchem::FASTCHEM_SUCCESS

Indicates that the calculation has been successful, i.e. that the chemistry iterations converged.

constexpr unsigned int fastchem::FASTCHEM_NO_CONVERGENCE

Indicates that the calculation was not successful, i.e. that the chemistry did not converge within the allowed maximum number of iterations steps given in the config file or set manually via FastChem.setMaxChemistryIter (see here). One way to solve such a problem is to increase the maximum number of iteration steps.

constexpr unsigned int fastchem::FASTCHEM_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

Indicates that something went wrong during reading one of the input files. To find the source of the problem, one can set the verbose level in the config file or manually via FastChem.setVerboseLevel (see here) to a higher value and look at the terminal output.

constexpr unsigned int fastchem::FASTCHEM_IS_BUSY

The chemistry calculations of FastChem can only be called once for each object class instance. Attempting to start a new calculation while another is still running, for example via OpenMP, will result in FastChem returning this flag.

constexpr unsigned int fastchem::FASTCHEM_WRONG_INPUT_VALUES

FastChem returns this flag if some input values are wrong. Currently, this refers to the temperature and pressure vectors in the input structure not having the same size (see here for details on the input structure).

constexpr unsigned int fastchem::FASTCHEM_PHASE_RULE_VIOLATION

FastChem returns this flag if condensation is used and the system violates the phase rule. This happens when the number of elements contained in condensates equals the total number of elements. In this case, the gas phase lacks a degree of freedom to yield the correct gas pressure. Such a system cannot be solved as there has always to be at least one incondensable element in the gas phase (see the section about the phase rule in Paper III).

In addition to these flags, fastchem_constants.h also includes a constant string vector

const std::vector<std::string> fastchem::FASTCHEM_MSG

that contains string expressions for each of these flags. Using this vector with any of the aforementioned flags fastchem::FASTCHEM_MSG[flag] returns a string with a description of the corresponding flag’s meaning. For example,


will return the string "convergence failed".

FastChem constructor

Since FastChem is written as an object class, an instance of that class (i.e. an object) needs to be created before FastChem can be used. This is done by calling the constructor of the FastChem class. There are three primary ways to call the constructor and create an object.
FastChem(const std::string& model_parameter_file,
         const unsigned int verbose_level_init)

This constructor requires two parameters: the location of the parameter file, described here, as well as the initial verbose, i.e. the amount of debug output in the terminal window. All main options and parameters will be read from the parameter file, but can be changed later by using the appropriate methods described here.

FastChem(const std::string& element_abundances_file,
         const std::string& gas_species_data_file,
         const unsigned int verbose_level)

This constructor requires three parameters: the locations of the element abundance and gas phase species data files, as well as the verbose level. All other options and parameters within FastChem will be set to their default values but can be later changed by using the appropriate methods described here. The default maximum number of chemistry iterations is 3000, the number of Newton, bisection and Nelder-Mead method iterations is 3000, and the default accuracy of the of Newton method and the chemistry iterations is set to \(10^{-4}\). This constructor will not read in any condensate data. Trying to use an object created via this method for a calculation using condensation will result in an error message.

FastChem(const std::string& element_abundances_file,
         const std::string& gas_species_data_file,
         const std::string& cond_species_data_file,
         const unsigned int verbose_level)

This constructor requires four parameters: the locations of the element abundance and gas phase species data files, the condensate data file, as well as the verbose level. All other options and parameters within FastChem will be set to their default values but can be later changed by using the appropriate methods described here. The default maximum number of chemistry iterations is 3000, the number of Newton, bisection and Nelder-Mead method iterations is 3000, and the default accuracy of the of Newton method and the chemistry iterations is set to \(10^{-4}\). Note that instead of a location for the condensate data, a string containing "none" can be used here as well. In that case, no condensate data will be read in and trying to use the object for a calculation using condensation will result in an error message.

A fourth way to create a FastChem object is to make a copy of an existing one. FastChem contains an internal copy constructor that manages the copy of all the object class’ data structures. Assuming that fastchem_a is a valid object instance of the FastChem class, a second object, say fastchem_b, can simply be created by using

fastchem::FastChem fastchem_b(fastchem_a);

In this example, fastchem_b is a direct copy of fastchem_a, i.e. all parameters, options, and species & element data structures are identical. After the creation of fastchem_b, both objects can be used independently from each other and can even be run at the same time.

Input and output structures

When the chemistry calculation of FastChem,

FastChem.calcDensities(FastChemInput, FastChemOutput)

is called, input and output structures are required. Their definitions can be found in the source file fastchem_src/input_output_struct.h

Input structure

The input structure is defined as follows:

struct FastChemInput
    std::vector<double> temperature;
    std::vector<double> pressure;

    bool equilibrium_condensation = false;
    bool rainout_condensation = false;

It contains vectors for the temperatures (in K) and pressures (in bar) that the chemical composition should be calculated for. Both vectors need to have the same length. Otherwise, FastChem.calcDensities will return the constant fastchem::FASTCHEM_WRONG_INPUT_VALUES. Note that even if you want to run the chemistry for only a single temperature and pressure point, you still need to provide the input in vectorial form.

The two boolean variables enable the calculation of either equilibrium condensation or the rainout approximation. By default, both are set to false. Note that when the flag rainout_condensation is set to true, the value of the parameter equilibrium_condensation is ignored.

Output structure

The outout structure is defined as

struct FastChemOutput
    std::vector<std::vector<double>> number_densities;
    std::vector<double> total_element_density;
    std::vector<double> mean_molecular_weight;

    std::vector<std::vector<double>> number_densities_cond;
    std::vector<std::vector<double>> element_cond_degree;

    std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> element_conserved;
    std::vector<unsigned int> nb_chemistry_iterations;
    std::vector<unsigned int> nb_cond_iterations;
    std::vector<unsigned int> nb_iterations;
    std::vector<unsigned int> fastchem_flag;

It has the following variables:

std::vector<std::vector<double>> number_densities

The two-dimensional array contains the number densities in of all gas phase species (elements, molecules, ions). The first dimension refers to the temperature-pressure grid and has the same size as the temperature and pressure vectors of the input structure. The second dimension refers to the number of species and has a length of FastChem.getGasSpeciesNumber() (see here).

std::vector<double> total_element_density

Contains the total number density of all atoms \(j\), i.e. \(n_\mathrm{tot} = \sum_j \left( n_j + \sum_i \nu_{ij} n_i + \sum_c \nu_{cj} n_c \right)\), summed over their atomic number densities, as well as the ones contained in all other molecules/ions \(j\) as well as condensate species \(c\). This quantity is usually only a diagnostic output and not relevant for other calculations. The dimension of the vector is equal to that of the input temperature and pressure vectors.

std::vector<double> mean_molecular_weight

Contains the mean molecular weight of the mixture in units of the unified atomic mass unit. For all practical purposes, this can also be converted into units of g/mol. The dimension of the vector is equal to that of the input temperature and pressure vectors.

std::vector<std::vector<double>> number_densities_cond

The two-dimensional array contains the fictitious number densities in of all condensate species. The first dimension refers to the temperature-pressure grid and has the same size as the temperature and pressure vectors of the input structure. The second dimension refers to the number of species and has a length of FastChem.getCondSpeciesNumber() (see here).

std::vector<std::vector<double>> element_cond_degree

The two-dimensional array contains the degree of condensation for all elements. The first dimension refers to the temperature-pressure grid and has the same size as the temperature and pressure vectors of the input structure. The second dimension refers to the number of elements and has a length of FastChem.getElementNumber() (see here).

std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> element_conserved

The two-dimensional array contains information on the state of element conservation. A value of 0 indicates that element conservation is violated, whereas a value of 1 means that the element has been conserved. The first dimension refers to the temperature-pressure grid and has the same size as the temperature and pressure vectors of the input structure. The second dimension refers to the number of elements and has a length of FastChem.getElementNumber() (see here).

std::vector<unsigned int> nb_chemistry_iterations

Contains the total number of chemistry iterations that were required to solve the system for each temperature-pressure point. The dimension of the vector is equal to that of the input temperature and pressure vectors.

std::vector<unsigned int> nb_iterations

Contains the total number of coupled condensation-gas phase chemistry calculation iterations that were required to solve the system for each temperature-pressure point. The dimension of the vector is equal to that of the input temperature and pressure vectors.

std::vector<unsigned int> nb_chemistry_iterations

Contains the total number of chemistry iterations that were required to solve the system for each temperature-pressure point. The dimension of the vector is equal to that of the input temperature and pressure vectors.

std::vector<unsigned int> fastchem_flag

Contains flags that give information on potential issues of the chemistry calculation for each temperature-pressure point. The set of potential values is stated here. A string message for each corresponding flag can also be obtained from the constant fastchem::FASTCHEM_MSG vector of strings, via fastchem::FASTCHEM_MSG[flag]. The dimension of the vector is equal to that of the input temperature and pressure vectors.

The vectors of the output structure don’t need to be pre-allocated. This will be done internally within FastChem when running the chemistry calculations. If the vectors already contain data, their contents will be overwritten.

Public methods of the FastChem object class

unsigned int FastChem.calcDensities(FastChemInput input,
                                    FastChemOutput output)

Starts a chemistry calculation with the provided FastChemInput and FastChemOutput structs. Returns an unsigned int that represents the highest value from the flag vector within the FastChemOutput struct.

void FastChem.setParameter(std::string param_name,
                           param_type param_value)

Sets an internal FastChem parameter with the name param_name. Depending on the parameter, the variable type param_type can either be an unsigned int, a bool, or a double value. A list of parameters and their types can be found in the next section.

unsigned int FastChem.getGasSpeciesNumber()

Returns the total number of gas phase species (atoms, ions, molecules) as unsigned int

unsigned int FastChem.getElementNumber()

Returns the total number of elements as unsigned int

unsigned int FastChem.getMoleculeNumber()

Returns the total number of molecules and ions (anything other than elements) as unsigned int

unsigned int FastChem.getCondSpeciesNumber()

Returns the total number of condensate species as unsigned int

std::string FastChem.getGasSpeciesName(unsigned int species_index)

Returns the name of a gas phase species with index species_index as std::string; returns empty string if species does not exist

std::string FastChem.getGasSpeciesSymbol(unsigned int species_index)

Returns the symbol of an element or the formula of a molecule/ion with index species_index as std::string; returns empty string if species does not exist

unsigned int FastChem.getGasSpeciesIndex(std::string symbol)

Returns the index of a species (element/molecule/ion) with symbol/formula symbol as unsigned int; returns the constant fastchem::FASTCHEM_UNKOWN_SPECIES if species does not exist

std::string FastChem.getElementName(unsigned int species_index)

Returns the name of an element with index species_index as std::string; returns empty string if species does not exist

std::string FastChem.getElementSymbol(unsigned int species_index)

Returns the symbol of an element with index species_index as std::string; returns empty string if species does not exist

unsigned int FastChem.getElementIndex(std::string symbol)

Returns the index of an element with symbol symbol as unsigned int; returns the constant fastchem::FASTCHEM_UNKOWN_SPECIES if species does not exist

std::string FastChem.getCondSpeciesName(unsigned int species_index)

Returns the name of a condensate species with index species_index as std::string; returns empty string if species does not exist

std::string FastChem.getCondSpeciesSymbol(unsigned int species_index)

Returns the formula of a condensate species with index species_index as std::string; returns empty string if species does not exist

unsigned int FastChem.getCondSpeciesIndex(std::string symbol)

Returns the index of a condensate species formula symbol as unsigned int; returns the constant fastchem::FASTCHEM_UNKOWN_SPECIES if species does not exist

double FastChem.getElementAbundance(unsigned int species_index)

Returns the abundance of an element with index species_index as double; returns 0 if element does not exist

std::vector<double> FastChem.getElementAbundance()

Returns the abundances of all elements as a vector of double; vector has a length of FastChem.getElementNumber()

double FastChem.getGasSpeciesWeight(unsigned int species_index)

Returns the weight of a gas phase species (element/molecule/ion) with index species_index as double; returns 0 if species does not exist; for an element this refers to the atomic weight

double FastChem.getElementWeight(unsigned int species_index)

Returns the atomic weight of an element with index species_index as double; returns 0 if the element does not exist

double FastChem.getCondSpeciesWeight(unsigned int species_index)

Returns the weight of a condensate species with index species_index as double; returns 0 if species does not exist

void FastChem.setElementAbundances(std::vector<double> abundances)

Sets the abundances of all elements; the abundances are supplied as std::vector<double>, where the vector has to have a size of FastChem.getElementNumber(); if this is not the case, FastChem will print an error message and leave the element abundances unchanged

void FastChem.setVerboseLevel(unsigned int level)

Sets the verbose level of FastChem, i.e. the amount of text output in the terminal. A value of 0 will result in FastChem being almost silent, whereas a value of 4 would provide a lot of debug output. A value larger than 4 will be interpreted as 4. This value will overwrite the one from the FastChem config file.